Dental Cleaning

Dental cleaning is the non-technical term used for professional oral cleaning which encompasses the removal of hard and soft deposits from the teeth and an oral prophylaxis to polish them.

It is Important to have a dental cleaning performed by a dentist or hygienist on a regular basis to ensure continuous maintenance and good heath of the gums. A complete dental examination is usually carried out during the same visit, when X-rays may also be taken for diagnostic purposes.

Plaque is a soft sticky film consisting of a bacteria and food particles that accumulate on teeth especially around the gum line. If brushing is inadequate in this area the plaque combines with the minerals present in the saliva and foods to form a hard-calcified substance that adheres to the tooth surface. This mineralized plaque is called Calculus or Tartar, and is extremely resistant to removal by a toothbrush.

The Cleaning Procedure

Depending on the extent of tartar deposits, a dental cleaning may include up to four different procedures as follows:

  • Scaling: This is the removal of all hard deposits from the root surfaces,
  • Root Planing: Once the hard deposits are removed the root surface is planed smooth, in order for the gum to reattach./li>
  • Polishing: A fine paste is used to remove the stains and buff the teeth.
  • Fluoride Treatment: This is a gel that is applied to the teeth in order to control dental decay.

Generally our patients are seen every six months for a cleaning and check-up, although individual requirements vary. Some patient may need routine visits on a three monthly and others on a six monthly basis. Our office extends the courtesy of contacting you when it is time for your check up. Should we fail to do so however, it ultimately is your responsibility to ensure regular visits are not forgotten or missed.


We look forward to seeing you soon.

 At Burnaby Mountain Dental Centre we believe in providing exceptional dental care to all of our patients with the finest, state-of-the-art treatments. You can expect to be treated with personal attention and respect from our experienced professionals.

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